...Ribbon trees! So a little background, I promise I didn't just dream these up, I'm nowhere near that creative. While we were shopping on our annual day-off-work Christmas trip, my mom and I went into Coach. Now, I'm not a Coach lover by any means, but something so cute caught my eye.
I was lured by all sorts of colorful different sized trees. At first glance they looked like feather trees, but upon closer inspection they were made out of ribbon. I apologize that I have no pictures to share with you guys! I sent my mom back into the store twice to check out how they were made because my mind was already making it a priority to replicate these adorable funky trees!
So on Saturday, David and I made a stop at Michael's {after Four Christmases, which was hilarios!} and I picked up some different sized styrofoam trees, serrated scissors {which I didn't end up using}, and some ribbon in colors I wanted.

When I got home, I got to work! I started cutting the ribbons about 2" long and then tried cutting them with those fancy scissors, unfortunately they didn't make the edges as pronounced as I had hoped, so I decided to cut every single edge myself. Wow, that was a long process!

I started with the small tree and worked my way up to the biggie! I think I lost some skin due to touching the hot glue oh, let's say, about 1,000 times! But, it was all worth it and I think the trees turned out quite lovely.

What are your thoughts? I'm anxious to know : )
Those are oh so amazing!!! I think they turned out lovely : )
~Debra (Emily's Friend)
They are very pretty!!!!
Love them! They turned out so cute. I don't know if I would have the patience to do them, but I wish I did.
I LOVE the trees! You are amazing!! I may have to try this next year or something.
You should definitely make a gingerbread house. We had a great time. We didn't follow any of the wait time instructions (because they are LONG) and ours stayed together just fine.
Joi, you are right they look like feather trees you did a great job lil Mrs Crafty. Missed you all this year at family Christmas but understand completely and very sorry for you loss. Jane
I love those! Great job!
They're beautiful! You did such a great job. Linking to your idea if you don't mind.
Wow they look great, Joi! You are definitely more patient than I would be with that type of project! -Em-
Beauiful! I, especially, love the green and brown trees!
Thanks everyone!
Lauren-I don't mind the link at all.
Thanks : )
Gorgeous! You must be such a patient person!
Where can I place my order??? Love it!
Joi-Joi!! I see an etsy shop in your future, chica! These are fabulous. So glam--definitely my kind of holiday decor.
WELL Joi you did a very good job..Auntie is PROUD of you doing the things you have done. AND THESE ARE SO PRETTY...YES you can take orders and make them for us all. LOL LOL...
Missed ya all at Christmas and SO SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS.
You did a wonderful job and Maw Maw Loves you much. Love as always Maw Maw
You're so crafty... I'm definitely going to have to try this next year! Looks great, Joi!
HEY GIRL! Never did see the pic of your outside lights! We passed on that this year.. and we are the griswalds!
LOVE THE TREE'S! I saw them at Mistletoe market! I will forward you a pic of the GREEN BOBBIN TREE! Toots said it looked like something YOU WOULD LIKE! ;D I have not even attempted at making it..... YET! But I am sooo wanting to try just way to much going down!
Wow, those area great! And they do look like feathers! Nice work!
Wow, creative! I love those white stools too - where are they from?
I love those! I wish I would have seen them before I made my tinsel trees- I totally would have copied these :)
Love the blog- I'd love for you to do a "what's good in your hood" for Concord/Martinez/Pleasant Hill, CA! Let me know if you're featuring that again soon! :)
I love these trees. They were my inspirationg afer my foam tree disaster!
So cute ideas and great tutorial. i like it very much. thanks for sharing...
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