Fortunately, the social workers in my district supply the high school with ages of children and their needs/wants. Student Council then makes construction paper "ornaments" with the items written on them and anyone, from students to staff to clubs, is encouraged to take an ornament and buy a present for those children.
I picked out two ornaments this year and plan on making this a tradition in our household. One was for a girl, age 8, with a desire for a Hannah Montana toy and the other was for a boy, age 5, with a desire for any toy!

Dave and shaggy Niko with the toys

Now this is the true meaning of Christmas...I admire you and Dave for doing this!
I agree with the above comment, definatly the true meaning of Christmas!! This is the part of Christmas that is the best for me bringing a smile to someone else's face.
ITA with Michael! So sweet!
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