It's come to my attention that I need a place to rest my fancy jewels {a.k.a my wedding bands and Emily's ring} while I get my beauty rest at night. I've found that while I lotion up in the morning it takes too long to remove the rings from my semi-swollen fingers from the night before and realized it'd probably be better anyway if I took them off to sleep. While I was perusing Etsy, one of my favorite online sites, I came across
Paloma's Nest. Can you say,
love?!? These dishes are so precious and delicate. My only hold up is what to have her inscribe on the dove....hmmmm, have any suggestions?
What are you waiting for....go check out the rest of her stuff! Her shop is undeniably sweet, chic, and simple. You won't be disappointed.
Love & Friendship - that would sum up what you want to store in it.
yes i agree with that !!!!
I think love is a good choice :)
And I LOVE that etsy website. FULL of cute stuff!
Absolutely adorable AND functional.
First word I thought of was treasured.
I love these! Thanks for sharing!
You know I love me some etsy! Thx for sharing this sweet find.
I'm a big fan of initials inscribed on things but I also really like the idea the PP suggested: love & friendship, for your hubby & Emily.
Very cute! And these ideas are great! My first thought was "chic" b/c of the whole bird thing, but I really like "treasure" b/c of what goes in it.
i love these bowls and might have to snag one someday. you're just full of great ideas!!
I came across your site and love it! I was given two wedding gifts from Paloma's Nest from one of my bridesmaids. She gave me the ring dish that says 'I do' on it for our ceremony and another larger dish/bowl after our wedding that has a poem inscribed on it that we had included on our wedding programs. I love them both! :)
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