David and I just celebrated
our anniversary recently and he surprised me with a great present! You see, we usually don't do the present thing because my money is his money and vice-versa. We always exchange the best cards and spend a sweet day together, so don't be worried all you gift-exchangers out there ;-) ! However, David had been listening to me talk and talk about those stream-line felt hangers that I thought were so fab--and, I am happy to say that he got me multiple packages of the pink ones! I was so not expecting them, but I ♥ them!

He knows me all too well. What's funny is, he's already been back to the store to get me more and I'll probably need about 50 more on top of that {that's with purging the closet of all those things I never wear and already making the hanger switch-a-roo on just one side of the closet}!
Of course, it would not be a fun blog post without accompanying pics, so please let my tiny 1950's ranch house closet do the talking!
Oh, and here's the other side patiently awaiting its transition.
If you're a fan, I'm a fan. :)
How very sweet that he got them for you and make the additional trip!
Oh my those are amazing! I love them! I hate how my clothes fall off the hangars I have...*sigh*
What a great gift! Looks like you can fit twice as many hangers as the plastic ones--very nice!
What a thoughtful gift! You guys are so cute!
OH I luv them..my favorite color. Now are you gonna anounce where you got them. Your Auntie Linda just LUVS THE DARN PINK COLORS.
Hey! Do you need any hangers for that other side? I have a bunch of bright pink ones and a TON of cream tan ones. I just changed over my hangers to wood!
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