Wednesday, November 10, 2010

DIY: Silver Leaf Canvas

Thanks for all of the sweet comments you guys left yesterday about the campaign dresser, vignette, and wall stripes! Each comment is so special to me, as dorky as that may sound.


The "art" that you see on the dresser was completed by moi and inspired {err, copied} from a project featured in the Fall 2010 Do It Yourself magazine.


A lovely home was featured in the most recent issue and I've had my eye on their living room canvas for awhile now.


Lucky for me, they made it themselves and offered up a tutorial. I followed their directions {you can see below} and it turned out to be a pretty easy project. Love it when that happens.


I bought a canvas {on-sale} from Michael's, some black acrylic paint, 2 silver leaf packets, silver leaf adhesive, and silver leaf sealer.


All of this probably totaled $60. Always use coupons at Michael's. Never pay full price. : )

Now for the fun part...

1. I painted the whole canvas black.

2. After it dried, I applied the adhesive and let it sit for 20 minutes.

3. I applied the silver leaf sheets very carefully {wow! those sheets are fragile}, used wax paper to "iron" them out with my hand, and then brushed off the excess.

4. After the canvas was covered with the silver leaf, I applied the sealer.

Finally, I was D-O-N-E! I love the subtle shimmer it gives off and I am really digging the vintage feel it has.


Happy silver leafing!



Jen said...

Love this! Great job!

Aja said...

This is soooo cool! I am so adding this to my never-ending to-do list! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Very cool idea! I love looking at the DIY magazine for ideas!

Kendra said...

I love it! How big is that canvas?

Anonymous said...

That is so COOL!!! I am a sucker for silver ;o)

Kelly said...

Joi this looks amazing! love your little vignette on the dresser, you have done it again girl!

Jesse {GoodGirlGoneGlad} said...

Love the new space and your art work is fab! You never cease to amaze!

Lucky Girl said...

That looks amazing! I've got to say though, I'm super scared of gold/silver leaf... honestly, how hard was it to work with? Did you waste a bunch and have to redo sections?

Leslie G said...

This is so neat!
PS- I finally got around to watching your segment with Nate; you did SUCH a great job and I thought yours was the best space. You are seriously such a natural in front of the camera- I know my voice would have been cracking and shaking! I made the husband watch it too. =) What a fun experience that must have been!

jandjhome said...

I've been wanting to try silver leafing. I even bought a table to do it on and ended up returning it. I totally chickened out. This came out great.

Suzie said...

AMAZING! The taupe paint still makes me ooooh and ahhhhh. I really want to use it somewhere! :)

Just A Girl said...

Just silver leafed some mirror frames, they now make it with wax already on the back. It is harder to find, so I found out when I ran out and had to use regular.

This is stunning.

FYI, wax paper and parchment paper are not the same, so I found out:)

Kim @ NewlyWoodwards said...

I've totally seen silverleaf and wanted to try it. Now, I must. Looks amazing

Rashon Carraway said...

This project was so easy an inexpensive, yet it came with a pow punch power pack (say that 3 times fast). I wonder if I should attempt this for more bedroom. I already have two
canvases in storage....

Mr. Goodwill Hunting

Sharstin said...

love it! gorgeous~

###### said...

your one baddddd girl. I tell you. And you know I love that DIY. You totally inspire me. Thats what blogging is all about!

Tami said...


Katie @ Noodle and Boof said...

Love this idea!!

Unknown said...

It looks really nice, great job!

Hopeless Chest said...

I'm with you!! I never buy anything full price at Michael's anymore.

This project is really neat. I'll have to keep on the mental to-do list! Great job.

Macy Dawn said...

OOOooooh! Thanks for sharing this! I have seen similar canvases used as props in West Elm catalogs and I've been itching to try to recreate one for myself. This is JUST what I needed!

Copper Art said...

I love this technique and already have the perfect wall in mind for my makeover. And as always, thanks for your detailed instructions which always helps a ton!

Punky Prep said...

Love this!
Just found your site, its great!


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