Just look at those bookcases! Eek. All those frames turned catty-corner...yikes. And the stuffed animals? Joi, come on! Who was telling me that was a good choice? Lots of things would change in this room as we saved up our money. Slowly we painted all of the trim and window coverings, ligth fixture, and furniture.
The color scheme managed to pretty much stay the same for the entire time--shocking, right? Now we see I took some liberties to make the bookshelves pop as I thought I learned the art of arranging items. Not half bad, but still not totally loving it. Oh, and as you see we were on to rug #2!
So, I think I'm about ready to bring you up to date. Why yet another makeover? Well, seeing as David and I have joined the new millennium and both have laptops, there really is no need for two desks. David volunteered to move his out and then I just knew that everything needed to be changed. David is an avid book reader and lover so those bookcases found a new home in the basement where they actually house books! A functional decision instead of a decor based decision! Who knew I was capable of such?
So with that minor change, ideas came pouring in!
New paint color-check!
New credenza-check!
New/old desk-check!
New rug-check!
New draperies that I just cannot wait to share-check!
Chandelier makeover-check!
New/old lamps-check!

After {Iron Mountain by Benjamin Moore} Sorry for the fuzzy pic!

I finally admitted that the pink wasn't working and adapted the light to favor a more subdued white! Also, although I loved my $30 Walmart rug, I knew I needed something more substantial to anchor the room and went with a sisal choice from Home Depot purchased with a gift card! : )
Also, I adapted the desk seating and spray painted one of the three free chairs I found in my grandparents' neighborhood to a bright yellow. The fabric I chose was on sale for $13 a yard and I reupholstered it in a snap. If you recall, that same chair's twin is hanging out in our master bedroom, as well!
The old black desk headed downstairs to house our desktop computer and the repainted white one came up. The black just wasn't working with the new dark gray walls.

So with that minor change, ideas came pouring in!
New paint color-check!
New credenza-check!
New/old desk-check!
New rug-check!
New draperies that I just cannot wait to share-check!
Chandelier makeover-check!
New/old lamps-check!
After {Iron Mountain by Benjamin Moore} Sorry for the fuzzy pic!
Next came the sweet credenza I found at the Goodwill weeks ago! I had been checking on it weekly and decided to snatch it up when it was marked down to $17.50. And those lamps..they used to be a hideous brassy/black and I sprayed them with a Valspar teal color. They were a great little deal at only $12 for the set! The shades are uneven because I was trying to decide which one I liked better. I ended up going with the shade style on the right! I found the shades at Garden Ridge for $14.99-such a great price.
Also, I adapted the desk seating and spray painted one of the three free chairs I found in my grandparents' neighborhood to a bright yellow. The fabric I chose was on sale for $13 a yard and I reupholstered it in a snap. If you recall, that same chair's twin is hanging out in our master bedroom, as well!
The old black desk headed downstairs to house our desktop computer and the repainted white one came up. The black just wasn't working with the new dark gray walls.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far! I have a few more surprises for you in the rest of the reveal, so please come back to see more. My absolute favorite part of the office are the DIY drapes. They are fabulous-promise. I am so, so excited--just wait and I hope you'll agree!
Are you serious about that credenza costing only $17.50? Seriously serious?? It's gorgeous!
I love that chair! I am on the hunt for a yellow desk chair myself. Nice job!
It's looking great so far! Love the color scheme. The yellow chair and turquoise lamps are fab.
Wow, now that's a makeover to get excited about. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the credenza. Love the price even more. Love the lamps, love the chandelier, love the rug, love the free chair. BRAVO and well done!
I too LOVE the credenza!
Looking good Joi!!! I've been on the hunt for photo boxes like you had in the bookshelves originally. Where did you find yours? The Target's and Wal-Mart's I've been searching have a very limited selection.
Love it! It looks great!
WOW! Looks great so far! Love those lamps you painted- you find such cool stuff!
I love looking at all these changes. We are just starting on our office and it will take a long time, but you have some great inspiration!
Please hold on while I clean up my drool! Just gorgeous Joi!!!! I love eveything especially those lamps! Can't wait yo see the rest!
Love how you simplified, Joi! It's off to a great start!!
Love this! The gray walls are so classy and modern, and I love how the bright yellow and blue stand out so nicely. Beautiful job!
Are you sure you didn't make a type-o there? $17.50 for that gorgeous credenza!! That's it, I'm rushing to the goodwill straight after work today. You did an amazing job with your office. Love it!
I love the re-do, especially the chair painted yellow!
Oh, I love the yellow chair!
Love it! The lamps....the chair... the paint color...sigh. Can't wait to see the finished product!
Great job as usual Joi!
Joi - I thought of you when I saw this: http://stlouis.craigslist.org/fuo/1542163118.html
Kathy Deppe
This is awesome - I love the credenza, and what a steal! And, I def. like the chandy white.
You have too much style for one person. =)
Awesome! But, must ask, how and where are you painting in these cold temps?!
Very nice! So beautiful and mature.
LOVE it!! Especially that yellow chair and blue lamps! fun colors!
$17.50? Are you freaking kidding me?
I absolutely love everything, every little detail! I want to eat up the whole room, it's so gorgeous!
That credenza was a steal! GORGEOUS!! The new wall color has such depth to it--so yummy, I just adore all the new details.
Waiting breathlessly for the details on the window treatments. Eeeee!!
you are so talented!! i love how you use different colors in one room. it looks awesome, cant wait to see the curtains!
Looking really good. I love the lamps and the chair. What a steal with the credenza! Can't wait to see more.
Take care,
Thanks everyone!!! I can't wait to share the finished product, either! I'm so excited!
Thanks for taking the time out of your day to leave me some comments.
I appreciate each and every one of them. :)
Oh my! This is so pretty! I LOVE the credenza, lamps, the yellow chair(!), rug--pretty much everything.
Can't wait to see Part 2!
Looking so good! Lurv your lamps!
oooo la la!! love it! I adore it all--especially the chair and lamps!
I am always amazed by your finds! That credenza is absolutely phenomenal.
SWEET! It's looking fabulous, can't wait to see more!
The room looks awesome!! It really makes me want to step it up and redo my rooms. Im going to have to hit up the goodwill!!
paint the light back red! would be super cute in the room you have now. its hidden in white
that credenza? divine! that wall colour - fantastic! love love love.
Love the drapes...well done, now if only I could employ my hubby to do the math...I might try this too!
Oh wow! You are a woman after my own heart! This is a fab makeover and I love that you repurposed so many pieces and kept a strict budget in mind. Seriously, wonderful job.
My! Love to see how your office developed into a cosy workspace with all those interiors and funishings. The chandelier as well as the rug looks magnificent.
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