Finally, I've found a paint color that makes me happy. It's been a long journey and a lot of money and time, but it happened!
Anytime I get a break from school I get the itch to re-do something in our home. I guess you could say I get antsy. Our bathroom has been a little thorn in my side because I've never felt 100% satisfied with it. It's an awkward shape and I've tried numerous colors {4 before this one to be exact!} and none have done it for me. My family and friends think I'm nuts for painting it this many times and they might be right! But, as long as I am able and we have the moolah I don't see what's wrong with changing my mind. Bless David's little heart because he just goes with the flow. He is a total saint to put up with my ever-changing mind!
Here's the room as we first laid eyes on it. Notice the yucky lizard-like flooring and orangey wood trim, cabinetry, and doors! My step-dad was a jem and painted this whole room a crisp white til I decided on my color choice.

Eventually I saw a bathroom on the internet painted turquoise with sort of a beachy feel and thought it'd work for me too. So we gave it an honest shot.

I love turqouise, don't get me wrong, but it was just too bright for me and for the flow of the rest of the house. So I thought that a deep chocolately brown would do the trick.

The brown appeased me for awhile, but I couldn't get past the fact that it reminded me of poo everytime I looked at it, so yeah, it had to go too! Finally I decided to go with a color that many find boring, a natural taupey-beigey-gray, Diverse Beige from SW to be exact. However, after we painted the first coat, and I slept on it, I knew the color just wasn't right. It was too milky and had a fleshy undertone that I wasn't digging. Sorry for the mess, I snapped the photo pretty much right after we applied the paint.

Knowing I would not be satisfied with the Diverse Beige, I decided to peruse the internet and I looked at tons of inspiration pics thanks to my girls over at
Decor Pad. I then decided today, to go with yet another color, Benjamin Moore's Grant Beige. I am happy to report that I'm 99% sure I am in love with this color choice! I'd go all the way to 100%, but I don't want to jinx it! : )

First of all, can I say WOW that you were prepared to repaint so many times! But it was worth it because your bathroom looks amazing now!!
I really like this color! I, too, have painted a room several times... our spare room has been dark blue, orange and beige, a medium blue, and now the light, airy blue that it is. I have decided not to paint that room again unless we have to use it for a nursery some day... there are soooo many layers of paint on those walls!
Wow, the finished product looks awesome, very warm and inviting! I love it! Would you want to come redo my master bath? :)
I love your final choice.
OMG, it looks AH-mazing!! Although I liked the chocolate color and the first beige color, Grant Beige is definitely the winner.
It makes those gorgeous mirrors and the white vanity just pop. And LOVE the WE wall art. Such a soothing space. You definitely made the right choice, J!
(Mr. FC just rolls his eyes when I tell him I'm repainting. As long as he doesn't have to help, he's good to go.)
OK, love the Grant Beige. I'm seriously thinking I need to repaint my master bedroom this color...I did BM Ashen Tan and as long as I don't turn the light on, I like it. With the light on, that's another definitely has that pinky, fleshy tone to it.
Where are the mirrors from? They are fab, fab, fab!
Joi! I love it and the West Elm art rocks! You must post this at DP!
hey hey -- not sure if I've ever left a comment, but I check in every now and then. just wanted to say the color looks great! we've got Grant Beige in our living and dining room and I love it! it has just enough gray and none of those icky pink undertones that you often get with beiges -- i just know you'll enjoy it!
Thanks for the comments everyone!
I think I'm finally satisfied!
Michael-The mirrors were from World Market but they no longer carry them. I got them super cheap as they were on their way to being discontinued at the time.
I love the your final choice! I think it's great that you showed all five pictures, what a difference color can really do to a bathroom. Beautiful
nestie: karenandjeff
I was just about to say I loved the poo color more than the new color...but after I got to the 3rd picture I love color. I think the brown was a bit to dark, and what you have now is perfecto! Now if only I can do the same. The paint man has been calling me for weeks asking me what color I want for my office and I cant figure it out!
Nothing wrong with repainting till you get the color you want. I have now painted my bathroom twice think i have the right color now linen napkin from valspar brightened up a small room. Now I am repainting the kitchen, do not like the orange color so im going with a spanish sage. So girl keep up the work you and hubby have really done a good job fixing up your home.
I love the progressional photos and the end result!
You do your thing Joi and do it like you want it. I'm just so proud of you that you have picked up and run with all of this...GOOD NIECY...
Love the new color--it looks beautiful!
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