That's exactly what I yelled when I opened my Nikon D60 DSLR for Christmas from my Mom and Tom, Maw Maw and Paw Paw, and Dan and Carol. I am the most early beginner in taking photographs, but I could not be more thrilled to learn! I enjoyed taking some pics the past couple days of friends and family. I am beyond excited with the clarity, focus, and overall quality of the pcitures!!!!! Plan on lots more posts with my up and coming skills! ; )
Enjoy a few pictures from our busy Christmas break!
David and Me with his God-parents and Mom

Maw Maw opening her iPod

Maw Maw showing off her iPod!

Tom opening a gift

David and Paw Paw causing trouble

David's mom's side of the family

Cousin Evan dancing

Silly Faces!

My sister-in-law, Emily, with her boyfriend Tim!

Caroline and David {they're two peas in a pod!}

Caroline demonstrating her sprinkler dance moves!

David and his Mom

My Mom, Tom, step-brothers, and Me!

Niko playing with his new toy {compliments of grandma Carol and grandpa Dan}

Dan playing Wii tennis!

Dan continuing his tennis skills {notice, the pullover's off---he was getting too hot!!}

Our happy little family!
What a great gift, Joi! I have to say, your maw Maw is the hippest Maw Maw ever!
You are too cute for words!! What a fab gift and a sweet family you have.
Have a happy New Year!!
It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas!!
You guys are so cute!
I love your family photo...we did that 2 years ago and it's one of my favorite memories. We haven't been able to arrange another picture since.
Maw Maw rocks with the iPod...that's so cool!
awww I called my grandmother maw maw, then decided i was gonna call her granny at 9! so i called my other grandmother maw maw ann...i miss them both so. your blessed!
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