My Maw Maw, that is! We are all so proud of her. She did absolutely wonderful during her treatment today. She said it was nearly painless and as of tonight feels fine, but kind of tired. I will update you throughout this journey but this post is short and sweet tonight because I am one tired girl. I'll leave you guys with a pic of Maw Maw and Mom from today. She had her own little room today and listened to Mom's iPod, read magazines, and chatted with us! Maw Maw's all wrapped up because, like me, we love us a warm blanket no matter the temperature! Oh, I just love my girls :-).

You're such a great daughter/granddaughter :) I'm glad Maw-Maw is handling this so well and I pray her body positively responds to every bit of treatment! Love ya!
Awwww You're so cute Maw Maw! ;)
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