Big boo! But, no it's off to school I go tomorrow. I couldn't miss anyway---I promised my 4th hour they could order Chinese as a reward for finishing the hardest chapter of the year. I know what you all are thinking---doesn't she teach
Spanish??? I do---but this is what the kids want and I agreed begrudgingly. Hopefully everything will be delivered on time and correctly....we shall see! They have our ginormous order and it will be interesting to see what we actually end up with tomorrow. My little ones (yes, my endearing term for my students) are going to be doing Valentine's Day word matches from English to Spanish and making Spanish love poems a la mad lib style. It should be fun, but you never know what to expect from a group of teenagers. Hopefully, I'll be able to rest my voice tomorrow and soothe this yucky sore throat deal I have going on--that'd be great. For now, though, I'll just suck down loads of these bad boys like candy and pray that I don't get whatever flu-bug the rest of the school seems to battling!
Hall's cough drops: my new best friends!
Hey you! Why didn't you tell mom you were sickly when I talked to you on the phone earlier?! I am your mother you know, I would like to know! If you need anything let me know. By the way, as for the My space thing, I knew you would read it and thought you would e-mail me how to do it. I really am having trouble with it, but I think I am getting it. Go look. I think it is Let me know if that is right. Love you Mom
Hey lady- I hope you are feeling better and you gotta learn to stay home when you're not feeling too's really OK....Here's a hug ( ) see ya in a bit. melissa
hope you feel better soon! you're such a crafty teacher! you never fail to surprise me with all of your fun ideas. i wish i had you as a teacher in high school!!! happy valentine's day!
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