Here we are. 8 months! AND.... we have not gone totally insane (close, but not quite). As previously documented, you got off to a bit of a rough start with the whole "being alive" thing, what with your screaming and crying and reflux and such. But since about August/September, you have become a very different baby. That difference: you're fun now! Our days were anxiously spent waiting for your next meltdown which was 100% inevitable. Not anymore! Now, don't get me wrong, you are not quite the relaxed, easygoing baby that your mom was hoping for, but your turnaround has been quite remarkable. We have successfully (at least it appears) weened you off of all of your medicine (Nexium and regular usage of Mylanta)and there does not appear to be any issues with that. Along with that, your mom has gone back to a "normal" diet and there does not seem to be any negative repercussions with that either. It seems like the persistent reflux pain is not an issue anymore, or nearly as much. Please be sure to tell us if we're wrong. As far as you not being the calm baby your mom hoped for, well you have to be in and aware of everything. Why just sit calmly and play with a toy like some babies when you can go from sitting playing with toy A, to standing and playing with toy B, and laying on your tummy playing with toy C in 35 seconds? That's fun, right? I have assigned your intelligence to this "quirk" of yours.
More about you:
- You are a big fan of walks, especially when you get bundled up!
- You have discovered swinging at the "Tot Lot" which we go to regularly and you love it, love it, love it!
- Grandpa also likes testing the weight limits on the structures
- You've started to learn how to do your chores
- People say you look like your mom. I don't know if this is what they mean by that?
- Your Grandpa Dan and Paw Paw are passing on their love of John Deere tractors to you. Needless to say, this was not your mom's idea.
- You have a keen fashion sense and have been accused of "overdressing" for events.
- You apparently are ready to go to Russia
- You have your bottom 2 chompers and you have been working on those top 2 FOREVER. (Editor's note: as of press time the top left is in but there is no photo evidence of such)
- Walking? You're just about ready!
- Crawling??? Maybe not your thing
- You absolutely love getting out of this house, you get it from your mommy and unfortunately you like going shopping and we do the reverse cart position so you can see where we're going
- There is clearly a future in pharmaceuticals for you
- Or Optometry
- Or crafts
- Or music
- Or carpentry
- Or at Steak-N-Shake
- Or baseball
- Or weightlifting
- Or whatever we can do with this
- Important Days of your life:
- 1st Trip to the Pumpkin Patch
- Halloween (you were Clark Kent just like your daddy)
- Election Day (unfortunately you committed voter fraud)
- Thanksgiving
- Thanksgiving (with Elvis)
- Meeting Santa Claus
(We weren't sure how it would go)
You may recall that we were previously concerned about your eating anything that doesn't come from your mommy. Well, you've gotten past that and you love to eat solids.
Most things (Avocados pictured here)
The sippy cup is quite vexing
Plus, as of right now, and don't you dare mess this up to spite us, you are sleeping all the way through the night! Even with people taking pictures of you!
It also must be said that a huge "thank you" goes to your Maw Maw and Paw Paw who watch you everyday and clearly can't find any enjoyment in it!
Your Dad
Yay for making it to 8 months!! I totally understand how difficult it is to have a less than happy baby so you totally deserve all the fun that is coming your way now!!
Happy 8 months, Theron!
Oh happy to see he is feeling better! Get ready for walking. My life has changed. At first I thought it would be so much better/easier to be with Hudson when he walked, but I now have a tornado that tries to climb everything, runs from room to room making messes and doesn't want to hold my hand when we are walking in public. Hmmm it starts early.
I'm one tired momma!
Totally love that Dave wrote this post. I can't even get Jon to write a grocery list.
Absolutely precious!!!
He is so adorable, I especially love the matching Halloween costumes! SO cute.
That is one handsome little dude!
He is such a cutie! Love those cheeks!
I love that dad wrote this. Hilarious! It's such a different perspective than all of us moms swooning over our adorable babes :)
Hands down THE best baby recap on the internets, omg! It melts my heart to see T growing up so splendidly but I seriously laughed harder & harder w/ each pic/commentary. Will D write Q's monthly recaps please......
I know how hard it's been for you & am so happy that things are much better now. Are you back on dairy? YAY!! Anyway, I hear you...there are amazing days & then there are days where it's like 1 step forward, 2 steps back! So goes parenthood right?
YAY YAY YAY on T sleeping thru the night!!!! It's amazeballs that you were able to snap that pic. Q wakes if we even sneeze in the next room.
Love you, J!
P.S. That pic of you & T's profiles made me emotional! Truth!
What a happy baby! Congrats on surviving thus far :) And is that your living room I see in the background of some of these shots? More please!
Dave, you never fail to make me laugh! What a wonderful recap! I loved reading it!
He is growing up so fast, very cute pics! jessica
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