I am so pumped about the first 'project' {that I'm going to post about} because it looks super easy--even if you're not a 'do-it-yourselfer'! It involves taking five cement pavers and gluing them together with landscape block adhesive to form a pot. The end product looks like a modern plant holder! Now, I scanned the images, and it looks like you may not be able to read the instructions very well, but if you save the images, I'm sure you could magnify them in some computer program!

There are lots more projects I will be posting about in the coming days---but if you're even the slightest bit interested, you should go and buy this magazine or visit here!
{ Eeek-I feel like I should get some commission or something after this post...hehe ;-) }
I'll have to check it out!
I think Auntie commented on wrong place...but I got right comment.. ha ha
I just picked up this magazine yesterday bc the cover caught my attention. Great blog love your ideas.
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