A few years back she was offering free design boards [I mean, who does that? She's that nice!] and I took her up on her offer. She created a party design board for me while I was helping plan my sister-in-law's bridal shower.
Most recently I was inspired by one of her room mood boards to get my DIY on. This sweet little girl's room had me at hello with that word art. I needed it. Craved it. [Yes, I know I'm dramatic.]
Her post led me to a specific website [that does not want me to be mentioned--long story!], where I fell in love with most every thing on it. The Australian designers are so creative and have some major talent. The price tags though? This cheapie couldn't afford 'em.
But I got to thinking. I could totally recreate this piece in a copycat DIY just for our own personal space. I know I thought I was heading more neutral and sophisticated with this home, but how could you say no to this piece? It's so me. And I obviously keep being drawn back to these types of pieces. Whatever makes you happy, right?
Here's how I made my version:
First thing I did was settle on a font and size that I thought closely resembled my inspiration.
I had previously bought a 22x28 poster size frame and knew this piece would be perfect in it. I had originally tried a larger font but it was too big. Size 315 was just right.
I then took about 2 hours while watching late night TV and cut every single letter out with some super sharp scissors. My eyes were crossing when I neared the end.
On Saturday we took a trip to Michael's and I matched the felt as best I could to the original piece.
Then on Saturday night I pinned each letter to the felt and cut around each letter once more.
Sharp scissors was a definite must have for this project.
Once all the letters were cut out, I placed them on the frame's cardboard backing that I had wrapped in a linen fabric from JoAnns. [Which, by the way, I stood in line to get said fabric for almost an hour on a weekend night with a toddler. Not the brightest of ideas. Thankfully, David was there to entertain T with his newly found cans of Scotch-guard. I can't make this stuff up.]
I used fabric glue to adhere the letters to the linen fabric and let it all dry flat over night. Since I was working with a poster frame the glass was actually a plexiglass that I ended up cracking. My strength was too much for it, I suppose. [I fail miserably at sarcasm, guys.]

Since the plexiglass was broken, I decided to just leave the piece without a cover. Almost as if it was needlepoint or yarn art.
I don't know if that's the best idea for down the road, but for now it seems to be just fine.
The only thing I have left to do is hang it. And maybe spray the frame gold. Nothing is safe in this house from gold spray paint or gold rub 'n buff.
[And as I just hit "preview" to check my spelling in this post I noticed how this DIY resembles the header of my blog. Guess it was meant to be. :-) ]
Thanks for stopping by!
That looks awesome, Joi! Definitely one of this situations where it pays to put in a little work to save you money. I can't wait to see it hung! Also, have you heard of a rotary cutter? Something like that may have helped you speed up the cutting process- on your straight lines anyway! I don't think I've use a rotary cutter on felt (so you'd have to experiment) but I've used it on tulle when making a tutu and it's a life saver. :)
I ADORE this diy!! I can't believe you hand-cut each one of those letters! They look machine cut. You sure do precision well. Happy place, indeed.
Scotch Guard as entertainment, eh? I'm eyeing Quinn & our next Michael's trip....
SO cute!! I love this idea!! I can't believe you stood in line for over an hour though, with a toddler. You are brave- so brave!!
Joi, I can't believe it! I made my own version of a Rachel Castle piece about two months ago!! I even took pictures because I thought I might manage to find the time to do a DIY post. I have a little secret for cutting shapes and letters out of felt. I'll have to share it on IG. I love yours!!!! Amazing job cutting out those letters!
Makes me want to do another.
I love how this turned out! I'm completely drawn to the bright colors too.
It looks awesome!! You have my wheels turning on how I could do my own DIY version!! Thanks for sharing!!
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