I can't wait to take our little T to the pumpkin patch, play in the leaves, and venture out to the tot lot for more swinging excursions. Plus I really can't wait for sweaters, hoodies, boots, thick socks and hot chocolate {wait, does that even exist dairy free??--haha!}
With the changing of the seasons our home's exterior definitely needed a little pick me up. Our landscaping was out of control and our front porch needed some color. Plus, our glitter ball wreath that has been up for years {literally!} needed a switcheroo.
Whoops. We kinda dropped the ball on it for awhile. Can we use the excuse we have a high maintenance kiddo? I try and do that for everything nowadays. ; )
After a little shopping at Lowe's for some mums and flowers, getting blessed with some much needed rain for the grass, trimming up the landscaping by yours truly, and a DIY wreath I think we're finally back in business!
The DIY wreath (that you can't see very well) in the shot above was inspired by Jenn's version that I saw on her Instagram. I was immediately smitten and bought all of my materials awhile back at Michael's.
Since I can only tackle projects during naptime or bedtime, this little wreath was put on hold for sometime. I finally got around to it this weekend and finished it in about an hour.
If you can hot glue and tie a bow, you can manage this project. I basically hot glued the moss to the letter and then trimmed the overhang. Easy peasy.

I then used some old burlap I had lying around to make the wreath hanger + bow and then hotglued some wooden flowers and glitter pumpkins to the side.
I'm pleased with the final outcome and am even more pleased to have completed my first real DIY project since baby boy was born. Who, by the way, fussed pretty much the entire weekend. Boo. Cutting teeth is no bueno. : (
I hope you all had lovely weekends!
Love that wreath! I have been horrible at projects too... No matter what the age, relaxing on the couch after a long day is far more appealing :-) you'll get back in a groove! XO!
Super cute! I bought some similar mums at Lowe's over the weekend and I hope they don't die soon cause it's the only plant I have on our front patio haha
Your front porch is looking great! Love the wreath and moss initial very cute
That wreath looks awesome! (And super easy to complete!) Looks like I'm making a trip to Jo-ann's! :)
Lovely wreath!
The wreath turned out great! The mums are a nice touch, too. Do you guys actually use the front door? That rug is holding up remarkably well.
looks so great gal!
Very cute!
Love the curb appeal! Gonna have to steal that wreath idea (esp. love those wooden blooms) for when Q actually naps. The fact that you have fall decor up, high-maintenance kiddo & all, is AMAZING.
::side-eyeing Q::
Oh & I A.D.O.R.E the crisp, fun new blog look!!
Cute wreath, and don't you just love mums in fall? They are the most beautiful flowers.
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