I don't think I shared the good news with you guys yet, so I'll go ahead & get right to the point. The other day I was contacted by a Regional Representative for the Goodwill asking if I would be interested in presenting at the St. Louis Working Woman's Survival Show on February 26th & 27th!

As you can already guess, I took all of about 2.5 seconds to think about it, and responded with a definite, "Yes, ma'am!"
My task was simple and fun: peruse neighborhood Goodwill stores and find anything that may not catch someone's eye and turn it in to something fun and fabulous thus giving it a new life.
You all know that's right up my alley and I've been having a blast picking things up at different locations. I'm currently in the process of giving my finds a makeover so that they will be lovely "afters" to show the crowd.
When the show is all said and done I will be sure to share with you guys what I managed to redo.
If any of you great people are in the St. Louis area I would absolutely love to see you out there! I know there are a few local readers and I would be thrilled to death to meet you guys. No joke, it would seriously be so fun!
Oh, and a major plus...one of my favorite men will be appearing shortly after me, Mr. Clinton Kelly of TLC's What Not To Wear, the show's main attraction!
"Shut up!" as his cute sidekick, Stacy London, would say. I've been a fan of the show for years!
I better be looking fabulous so he doesn't give me a critique right on the spot! You know I will just die if I get the chance to meet him!!! Eeeeek!
I swear, this little life of mine is just too much fun! I don't want all of these experiences to end. I'm taking mental notes and snapshots before all of this slips right by me.
I wish I was local - it would be awesome to meet you AND Clinton Kelly :) Looking forward to seeing your redos!
How exciting, I wish I could come too !
Congrats my friend! I'm so happy for you...before we know it we might just see you on network television :))))
Congrats Joi, that's so exciting! I give it 6 months before you've got your own show on HGTV ;)
You are on a roll, friend! There's no better candidate than you!
SHUT UP! This is so darn cool. I wish I didn't have something that weekend, because I was honestly considering how to pack up by bags and pugs and high-tail it to StL.
Good luck! Take lots of pictures and tell us all about it.
woohooo joi! that's awesome! I can't wait to see what you're up to!
our goodwills are AWFUL! ohhh so pitiful! drab, stinky and the prices are incredibly HIGH. We really need a shakeup here in louisville!
have a good time!
Oh Joi, I am so very happy for you! This sounds like a great opportunity and great fun. It couldn't have happened to a nicer or more talented lady. I'm just thrilled!!!
@Everyone!! You guys are always so sweet! Thanks for making me feel loved. xoxo
Good for you, Joi! But the person who's speaking before you (Dana Loesch) on Saturday has a long history of outright lies and distortions, including, but not limited to, [Liberal] Feminist-bashing, and thus should NOT be at a Working Woman's Survival Show.
Can your life get any more awesome??? Congrats!!
What a fun "assignment"! Can't wait to see what you come up with.
Wow! Congratulations!! Great news:)
Yay! I'll be there!
Felicidades! What amazing things are happening in your life! You totally deserve them. Your style and home totally fit the bill. Have fun.
I'm so excited for you! Are you presenting both days at that time? I want to come see your presentation and take some pictures of you :)
Ya hoo!
I'm so proud of you and how far you have come with making your dream (and hobby) a reality!
I agree that we will be seeing you on your own TV show one day soon :)
So glad things are going so well for you and that you are doing what you love! Looking forward to hearing more!
Congrats! I haven't been to a show in a few years but seeing your awesome work would be fun. I'll have to check my sisters schedule and plan a girl outing! Can't wait to see it on line if I can't make it. Good luck!
so happy for you girly! you are a super star! it's so great that you get to "live what you love"
Congrats. You are doing so many great things lady. I am a proud blogger friend.
I'll be there on Saturday and I'm bringing my friend who saw you on TV and thought you were awesome-which of course you are! I can't wait!
You are really racking them up! I am so excited for you. I think you know that right? Of course you do!
Mr. Goodwill Hunting
Hooray!!! That is so exciting! I can't wait to see you work your makeover magic!
I can't wait to see what you do! AND if you get to meet Clinton, I will be SO jealous. I LOVE him!
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