Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Wish{es} Came True

First, I finally bought my LV while I was in San Diego!!!!! I went with my gut and got the Damier Speedy 35 {thanks for all the help in my last post!}. It just kinda "spoke" to me. Ha. My sweet family hung out with me while I made my choice and bless them for being so patient. Not a single one of them cared about my purse but they wanted me to be happy, and for that, I'm thankful.


Annnnnnd, second, I "met" the fabulous Britney Spears. Who cares if it was only her wax figure? She and I took many a pic together and I loved every single second of it. I even went back to her figure after we went down a level to get even more pictures. I didn't want to get all the way home to Illinois and come to the sad realization that I didn't get the perfect shot. And, while reviewing said shots I looked like a creeper in most so it's a good thing I took too many to count! ; ) My family, friends, and students all like to give me a hard time about my Brit fanfare but that's ok--she's my girl!

I can't wait to share all my fun pics from California and my sister-in-law's wedding, too. We had a fabulous time.



Pineapples and Pickles said...

Good choice. I love the new bag!

Julie S. said...

So jealous! I heart B. Spears too! :) And your dress? Adorable!

Anonymous said...

Well, it could have been the other way around...a fake LV and the real Britney. I think you had the best scenario!


Bri said...

Hooray for designer bags! I like your choice =)

Glad to see you had fun in San Diego!

Michelle said...

Love your bag, it looks huge. My sister is a LV fan and gave my 15 year daughter her old LV speedy, I tried to put my name in the running but they nixed that idea. Enjoy your bag.

Sharstin said...

I thought that was really britt for a sec! so fun--and I love your bag!!

Tshepo said...

Love the bag! And I also really like the dress. Where did you get it?

Tshepo said...

Love the bag And your dress! Where did you get the dress?

Joi said...

@Tshepo-Thanks! You'll never guess where the dress is from....K Mart!!!
: )

Emily @ EMILY POSTS said...

Love the dress! K Mart really?!

Suzie said...

Glad you had a blast. :)

Love the dress too especially with the bright pink shoes! Cannot believe it's from K Mart!

Unknown said...

i was about to be a very jealous girl... love britney! did you catch her circus tour? amazing.

Unknown said...

p.s. still waiting to hear about your skydiving adventure!

Allison aka Half of VAMH said...

I'm jealous -- more-so over the britney pic than the bag! lol

Lovin the dress too!

Freckles Chick said...

A girl's got to have her LV....and her Britney. OMG, she's so lifelike!

Looooove your dress too, joi-joi. You look gorgeous in it.

Kim @ NewlyWoodwards said...

Love the picture of you and Britt. You look so pretty - love the dress. (and the bag)

Veronika said...

I <3 britney!

Jenny @ Anything Pretty said...

Love the bag...and the dress...and your friend!

Sara @ Russet Street Reno said...

Too bad Brit Brit can't get back on top of the charts again, I love her! And your bag :)

Chateau 809 said...

Congrats on your purchase! The bag looks great!


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