Thursday, May 13, 2010

Battle Of The Bangs

I've had bangs almost my whole life. In fact, I was rocking bangs all throughout highschool when all my friends, wait-scratch that, all the school had grown theirs out after gradeschool. I for sure didn't get that memo and my friends gave me a card when I grew my bangs out in college-no joke! There actually was a Hallmark card that said, "Congrats! You finally grew out your bangs!" and you can bet I still have it to this day.

Then there was a very short time in college where I had long hair and no bangs but of course that didn't last long--I quickly got side swept bangs, which I loved. Now I still enjoy my bangs from time to time but I'm graced with very fine hair so those side swept suckers are so quick to get greasy. So while I used to hate the look on me, I've been pulling my bangs back recently and trying to like it.


I think I can finally say they look alright. I've got to make a decision because they are definitely in that limbo stage where they're too long...but I can't decide between growing them out or cutting them!

I guess time will tell! : ) I do know that I really want to do that cute little Lauren Conrad side braid for Em's wedding but I gotta get used to me with absolutely no bangs first. Isn't Jessica Alba so darn cute here with her no bangs braid?


Yeah, my hair's not going to look that good, but it is my inspiration for the wedding!



Cassie Bustamante said...

i think your hair looks adorable with your bangs pulled back! as fro the wedding, i think you will be happier if you don't have bangs. i always go back and forth with mine as well, and the sidewespt ones though they look good, always drive me bonkers and end up getting tucked behind my ear. i think you look more grown up withyour bangs pulled back, so it really depends on the look you want at your wedding. no matter what, you are a doll and will look gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the braid Joi! You're adorable and you'll look MORE beautiful than Jessica Alba with that hairstyle because it will be YOUR day!

Andrea @ The Dawley Fam said...

That would be beautiful wedding hair! I just love it!

Unknown said...

I love them over to the side like you have them (in the pic). You wear no bangs well! =)

Sugar Bear said...

The braid is fabulous and I think your bangs look great pinned back. I too had bangs my entire life and didn't grow them out until I was out of college. Oh what a pain! I've vowed never to cut bangs again! I too have fine hair so I hear you on the greasy factor.

Eli said...

I have bangs (always have) and I like having the versatility to wear them or pull them back. I like how they look pulled back on you. I've always liked the side braid look. It looks classy yet cute.

Anonymous said...

I too am cursed with the greasy forehead and although my mom says in the long run I will have no forhead wrinkles for now I get greasy bangs. I am growing mine out after having them about a year. Time for a change :)

Allison aka Half of VAMH said...

I'm going through the opposite transition! Having been a forehead girl all of my life I'm adjusting slowly to bangs. First side-swept and now, thanks to a scissor happy stylist, a more full bang. {gulp}

I think it looks adorable pinned back and I oh so love the braid trend too!

Jill GG said...

Oh boy... I am with you. I am thinking of growing mine out as well, but I am dreading the awkward in-between phase. And we have family pictures in a few weeks so I have to at least keep them tidy until then.

I love the braid inspiration... that would look amazing on you!

Unknown said...

Very cute! I always want bangs but then hate them when I have them...uh! I also need to figure out the whole "side braid updo" look. I try but i am not even close to mastering that look...I need Ken Paves to come live with me. :)

Courtney said...

Your eyelashes are soooo fab!! What brand of mascara do you use??

LW @ Aisle to Aloha said...

I love the pulled back look on you! I think it looks good with your face shape! You're just adorable! :)

LW @ Aisle to Aloha said...

I love the pulled back look on you! I think it looks good with your face shape! You're just adorable! :)

Sharstin said...

you look great with bangs, and the pulled back look! love that braid too! you could totally rock that for the wedding

Joi said...

Thanks ladies!

@Courtney-Thanks for the compliment! I use the mascara in the yellow tube by Maybelline. I think it's called Colossal Volume! : )

Courtney said...

You're welcome! I have used that one before, and mine looked nothing like yours! Ugh I'm jealous!!

Michael said...

You look beautiful either way!

I'm having my own hair dilemma these days. I went for a hair cut last week ahead of job interviews I've had this week. The woman cutting my hair suggested adding "splashes of honey color" to balance out the dark brown hair color against my skin tone. I first said I wasn't interested because I was interviewing and didn't want a drastic change. Wrong thing to say! She went on and on how subtle this would be and how much better it would make me look for my interviews. And I bought it hook, line, and sinker.

Long story short, when she finished up and I put my glasses back on (yes, I'm blind and couldn't see what she was really doing to me) I had bright blonde highlights. Can we say MORTIFIED?!

Thankfully it's darkened up a bit and it'll be gone by my next hair cut in a few weeks.

And just in case you were wondering, yes, Vanilla Ice called me to ask for his hair style back ;)

Debra said...

Loving your hair inspiration pic...gonna be too cute!


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