It's the perfect size {4x5} and price {$36}, which makes me giddy because you know I love me a good bargain. : )

{Now, the pic looks more like a runner size, but I promise it comes in the correct size that I want}
I'm about to make it mine here soon. Now all I need to find are some tall planters that don't break the bank. I cannot seem to find any for under $200. These are lovely {also from overstock} but again, a little pricey. Guess I'm a cheap-skate.

Garden Ridge?
Now don't laugh, but Big Lots sometimes carries things like that. If you find ones in a hideous color you can always spray paint them.
Crazy idea - could you make a planter out of wood and wrap it in rope or paint it the color of your choosing. That would dirt cheap and very chic. =)
good choice on the rug
I got a big fiberglass planter like these for $60 at Sam's club. I've also seen them at Stein Garden and Gifts. Not sure if you have those stores around you.
Jayson home & garden
Great geometric rug! Don't think you're a cheapskate at all. Two hundred dollars for 1 planter is insane! Check out Crate & Barrel & Pottery Barn too.
I agree- try Big lots. Or do you have a Gordman's near you? I bet you could find a steal there. Hobby Lobby maybe- with a 40% from online?
Love the rug, btw!
Don't know if you got it too, but I got an email from Overstock today that all area rugs are 15% off!
I LOVE the rug! I have seen large planters at local home improvement stores (Lowes, Home Depot, etc). The affordable ones are plastic, but don't look like it. With a little spray paint they would look great.
While you were on your rug search, did you happen to find any 5x8s in the $60-%80 price range? We're looking for one (black, white, gray, or a combo of the 3) and are having no luck whatsoever :(
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