Our photo wall welcomed a new picture today, and I'm proud to say that I took it! : )
Ever since I put the adorable
'Home Sweet Home' print up, which required some minor adjusting, I felt like I needed to balance out the right side of the collage.

I chose to put up my picture of daffodils that I took recently. This photo reminds me of my mom since they're her favorite flowers. ♥

I printed out my photo at Wal-Mart and found a cheapo frame that I could spray paint white! I really ♥ Krylon spray paint because it adheres to just about anything and spray painting takes a quick minute and it's dry in no time.

The daffodil picture looks pretty comfy like it was destined to be a part of my favorite part of our living room! Most of the photos/prints either remind me of someone special or bring back a sweet memory everytime I look at them. This little photo collage makes me smile everyday : )!

Great addition to your wall! You gallery wall really adds a nice warm and personal touch to that space :)
Absolutely beautiful! You have such a knack for mixing colors, textures, and prints in a cohesive manner!
Very beautiful Joi.... Love the way that foto collage looks!
girl that wall looks great! you are goooood!
Your photo wall looks very happy. I like it.
Holy crap, Joi...further proof that we're BFF's separated from birth b/c I sprayed some frames white over the weekend too! Now if only your photography talent could rub off on me.
I ADORE the new additions.....I love the whole wall....heck, I love your whole house.
Great new addition. Love me some daffodils as well!
Thanks ladies!
: )
I love how its all coming together. And those pillows just POP right off my screen (and I mean that in a good way!)
Ohhh..I love this!
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