Well, I may not be getting my dream sofa anytime soon, but I do know of a place where you can pick out new legs to gussy up your existing sofas and chairs. Stop by Ansaldi and Sons and you can find lots of new legs to peruse along with countless other links that I didn't explore.
I'm pretty partial to bun foot # 02003061, myself! The legs are optioned out in Pine or Maple and left unstained so that you can stain them the color of your choosing--sweet!

Thanks to May 2008 issue of Domino for the fab link!
That is a awesome couch!
Great post! I just finished painting the legs of my chairs and bench as well! ;)
I have given you an honest weblog award, see my blog for the details.
I can't believe they discontinued it...bummer :(
I love that you're still hung up on that couch . . . if only it were a love story with a happy ending! :)
Joi, I wondered if you read Domino, I enjoy getting that mag also just got another mag script called readymade, its got neat ideas also. here is another website you can check out for legs and chair frames reasonable prices.
OH MERCY MAUDE...now my great niecy is loving THE LEGS of furniture...HA HA JUST KIDDING YA JOI...
you go girl...its so nice seeing you get all into decorating. The great neice that only wanted to look at cloths.. ha ha..
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