Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Show Me The Money!

First things first, we took Maw Maw to her blood work today and everything looked great. She is on her way to her fifth treatment in 2 weeks and then she only has 1 left to go! She gets tired and weak pretty easily, but she still looks radiant and gets to do pretty much whatever her little heart desires.

She truly is an inspiration to all of us ♥

Secondly, while we were in good ol' GC today, we stopped by the Goodwill and dropped off our leftovers from our garage sale this past Saturday. Which, by the way, we made around $160 dollars! We did pretty good considering we did zero advertising in any of the papers around the area!

Finally, we headed to the board office in the district where I will be teaching in less than two weeks {eeeeeek!!} and turned in my transcript and grad school class 'request for approval' form. While I was talking to the Personnel secretary she was asking me what step I was on for the salary schedule. I told her that even though this would be my 5th year teaching, GC was only going to give me 2 years experience. Unfortunate for me, but it was very comparative {monetarily--even though I was not credited all years} coming from my previous school--so still no loss. However, and thankfully, she looked at me and said, "I think you're going to get all of your 5 years..."

"What?!?---why?!?---and yay, if it's true!" I thought and probably said! She answered that the board had approved to offer any new teacher starting in the 2008-2009 school year his/her experience level up to 14 years. Additionally, the reason I did not know this new development was because I was hired so early and thus they hadn't adopted this new policy.

So, the absolute fabulous news {pending this is all true to fact} is that since I will be starting at 5 years, I will be making close to $5,000 more than I was expecting when I was originally hired! I am beyond words excited and I am so thankful. We could soooo use the money to pay on our new roof {which is getting completed probably next week} and pay down our cars sooner than expected!

I am overwhelmingly giddy and am waiting anxiously to see my first check to witness the fact in front of my own two eyes!


The Juggling Francophile said...

Yay! That's really exciting, Joi!

Suzie said...

Such wonderful news all around! Yay for Maw Maw!

Anonymous said...

congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope it does work out for you!!!! jane

melissa said...

so happy for you chica!!!! love ya, me


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