...and I decide to spend it outside, sweating profusely, digging/moving dirt and lifting/arranging bricks! Call me crazy, but like my sweet husband says, when I get an idea in my head that I want to do, I do it. Remember the before picture of the side of our house...

Well here it is today! Sorry for all the shade, I took the pic in the late afternoon!

I really wanted to finish placing all the bricks but I just got too hot and tired. My hands are hurting because I didn't wear gloves {silly, I know, but I feel like I can't manuever as well with them on}. I got a little over half-way done with the bricks but the plants will have to wait until Wednesday. I can't get back out there tomorrow because I have to take Paw Paw to an appointment and then I have class at night. Hopefully it'll all be finished by Wednesday night! : )
GOOD JOB KID! I'm proud of you! Love you MOM
Hi there Joi! Just wanted you to know that I read your blog and think it's great. :) I love catching up with you two. I started one of my own, so anything you can do to plug it on your page would be awesome. Thanks!
Looks great! Good idea to lay the bricks flat to create a mowing strip.
I just got caught up on your blog! I haven't read it for a while- you have been BUSY!!!!! It all looks great-trim, yard, etc. Now, you're going to freak, but I just did my front yard- straightened it up, pulled weeds, thinned plants, etc. and I'm gonna post it as soon as I get some pics....great minds think alike!!!!
Looking Good!
Oh wow--looks great! And I never wear gloves either. I feel so incompetent w/them on--like I can't move my fingers properly, lol.
Wow, way to rock the bricks, Joi -- also, i love the new pic of you and dave on the sidebar thingy.
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