Tonight was the last class of our summer school graduate class. David and I both got an A+ as our final grade {notice the "+"...that means neither of us missed a single point--whoopdy woop!!!!}. Go us! Our professor bought our entire class pizza {how sweet is that?} and she requested that I make sweets for the class, so I brought these:

After class was over we had a get together at Casa Gallardo and the majority of the class came and had a nice time. It's nice to be done, although it was pretty painless and quite enjoyable {now don't think I'm too crazy for that last statement!}.
Today I finished the side landscaping, and it looks good, sparse, but good! I must remind myself that patience is a virtue and I will wait and hope that the plants I chose will eventually fill-out the space quite nicely! I took a picture, right before class, so it's still a little too shady to get the full effect. 

I'll post better ones when I can remember to take them at good times! Tomorrow I think I'll start on my photo collage wall :-). Goodnight, lovelies!
The side yard looks great!
When I took my first grad class, the prof made a big deal about how he would take the entire class (about 20 of us) out for drinks on the very last day after our final. And he reminded us time after time that he would buy the drinks. So the last night comes...all of us are enjoying our drink(s) and the prof excuses himself early because he has small children at home and had to help his wife with the kids. We all stuck around a little longer, then got up to leave. The waitress comes running out of the back because the bill hadn't been paid and she thinks we're all skipping out on paying!
So much for our free drinks...what a guy.
Hey girl! One day you'll be working on your last one like me! Yay! Congrats on your A+! Your yard will def. fill out....give it 2 more summers....
Yay for A+!
Thanks, guys!
Too funny, Michael! So much for someone's word.
I love the landscaping. :)
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