Monday, December 12, 2016

Christmas Tree Farm - 2016

All my life I've had a fake tree. I really know zero about having a real Christmas tree. 

But that changed this year! I'd seen one too many Christmas tree farm pics via IG to know that I was missing out. 

So we packed the boys up and headed about 20 minutes down the road to a perfect little farm off the highway. We got to ride two tractors, cut down our own mini tree, drink some hot cocoa, and visit with Santa Claus. I loved it [no big shocker there!], the big boys were fans as well, and the littlest was attached to my hip. All in all, I'd claim it as a success and I absolutely will be adding this to our holiday to-do list for the coming years. 

We ended our day with gingerbread house crafting with Elf playing in the background...can I just say that life right now has been so sweet?? Trying not to take a single second for granted. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:) Pretty pics and I'm glad you had a good time. Melissa


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