Wednesday, November 2, 2011


The reason for my absence around these parts is pretty simple...

David and I are having a baby! Can you believe it?



I'm currently 18 weeks pregnant and our little guy's arrival is slated for April 3rd, 2012. So far this pregnancy has been quite the journey and I am finally starting to feel like myself again. With all-day sickness, nausea, exhaustion, and some spotting scares---this has truly been an experience of a lifetime and I'm only a little ways in! : )

I had not planned on skipping out on blogging but my energy just was non-existent. I promise to do better and get back to DIY and decor. This blog's always been about our "sweet life" so baby updates will be many. I hope you understand.

On Halloween we shared the news with our families and caught their reaction on video.

First up...we polled the audience on their gender guesses:

Second...we caught their reactions to our baby BOY reveal:

We're so lucky to have a family that is so excited for Baby Svezia's arrival. Thanks for hanging in there with us. Love you guys and all of your concerned emails and tweets about my little blogging hiatus. It was for good reason!



Janell @ House of Fifty said...

A big congrats, this is such an amazing time in a couple's life! Janell

...heather... said...

Congratulations! :)

I like it, I love it! said...

I knew it! I am so happy for you both. Congrats!!

michelle@decorandthedog said...

Congrats!! I can't wait to see the nursery. Decorating a nursery is one of the top things on my "pros" list for having children right now. ;)

Lucky Girl said...

Yay! Congrats Joi and Dave! Can't wait to meet the little guy :)

Michelle said...

A million congrats!

LifeBegins@Thirty said...

Awww congratulations!!!!

Jennifer said...

Congrats!! It is an amazing journey and I wish you the best!!

Ashley said...

I thought a little one might be in the works. Congrats! Hope the pregnancy goes smoothly!

Lisa @ Lisa Moves said...

I knew it :-) Congratulations! Babies are fabulous fun. Can't wait to see the nursery you put together.

Michelle said...

AHHH!!! Yay!! I am so excited for you! My jaw literally dropped :)

Shannon said...

SO many congrats Joi! Little boys are the best (Not that I would know any different but still!) Hope your second tri is treating you better and that it only gets better from here on out. Yay!!

Amanda @ Heart Tree Home said...

I knew you were after all the baby pins on Pinterest ;-)


Leslie G said...

I KNEW it! I really did! I just had a feeling. :)
That is so awesome, Joi- I am sooooo happy for your family! I can't wait to follow your journey as a new mom. And yay for a boy! AHHH Joi! I just am so excited for you.

Congrats again, friend.

Anna said...

I'm still so excited for you!! I can't wait to celebrate with you soon-I'm already working on Baby Boy Svezia's library! And...I LOVE MawMaw and PawPaw-tell them I said hi!

Courtney@SDB said...


I've been reading your blog for two years now, so excited to see what you do with the nursery!!!

HB said...

I am so excited for you! Looking forward to all of the posts about your new baby boy and of course how you decorate his nursery!

Eli said...

I knew it!! Congrats!! so exciting :)

Krista said...

Congrats!!! I had a feeling!! What an exciting time!

lemondropdreams said...

Congratulations!! I had a weird feeling you had that kind of a big announcement...boys are so fun!! I have 3...glad your feeling better, can't wait to see what you have in store for a nursery!

Jill said...

Boy are the best!


Lynett said...

AHHHH!!! I knew it! Especially when I saw the blog title!! OMG J I'm so happy and excited for you both!

Liz @ It's Great To Be Home said...

Congratulations you guys!!! Such an amazing time!

Rae said...

I'm so happy for you guys! Honestly I check your blog almost every day, and I was starting to get worried that something bad may have happened to you. So glad it was something good instead! Can't wait for the nursery room. I'm sure it's going to be just as gorgeous as the rest of your place!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Joi!
You will make such a wonderful Mother :) It will be exciting to be with you (via blog) during the rest of you exciting experience.


Unknown said...

Congrats!! I had a feeling and know what your going though!! We'll all be here waiting for your posts with you feel like posting :) Oh BTW, you little boy is due on my b-day! :)

Congrats again!!! So happy for you!!

Sharstin said...

i am sooo excited for you guys--lil mister is lucky to have you as parents! many congrats~ missed you for sure! but boy can the morning sickness and all that business wipe you out! hope you are feeling better~ videos are so fantastic! ha!

Kim @ NewlyWoodwards said...

Yay! I'm so happy for you! Congrats!

Hilary said...

I knew it! Congratulations guys I can't wait to see how your house transforms to make way for baby.

leah @maritalbless said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Those videos are adorable!

Cassie Bustamante said...

oh congrats!!!! that is so wonderful! and i for one can't wait to see what nursery you dream up!

Coley said...

What a wonderful time! Congratulations!!

Aja said...

Awww, yay! I had a feeling! :) Congratulations and I hope you start feeling better soon! SO exciting!

Mandy Ford Art & Illustration said...

Congratulations! I'm sorry to hear you've had a bit of a rough start, but hopefully it will be smooth sailing here on out!

Jeannine | The Small and Chic Home said...

Hooray, Dave and Joi! Congratulations!!!

Kerry said...

Congrats Joi! This is such a sweet and exciting time! Enjoy everything that comes with it and wishing you all the best with your pregnancy! :)

Unknown said...

Aw congrats - thanks for putting a smile on my face and a tear in my eye today!!
Welcome new baby boy!

Marissa Waddell said...

That is such amazing news, congrats!


Lil Man and Mommy said...

I KNEW IT! KNEW IT! KNEW IT! Haha. My husband is looking at me like I am going crazy, but I did! When I got pregnant with my Lil Man, goodness me, I didn't even lay a finger on the internet for like 3 months! My enery was BLAH!
Anyway, CONGRATS to you and Dave. You guys will make great parents!

Julie S. said...

So excited for you guys as you begin this journey! It is SO amazing and rewarding! :) Congrats!

Natalie said...

Congrats, baby boys are the best!

House of Scout said...

I knew it. Dedicated women only disappear for one reason. Congrats!

Tiffcanblog said...

Congratulations. I have to know where you got that insanely beautiful name. I am thinking about having another just so I can name my child that! Second thought, I might just get a fish. Drink plenty of ginger ale for the nausea and get all the rest you can. What a fantastic blessing you are about to experience. Words can't explain the way your life is about to change. You truly deserve and I am looking forward to the posts of this wonderful journey. It is a priviledge to be allowed to experience it with you.

Melissa said...

Congratulations!!! Praying for a healthy pregnancy & delivery!! =)

Danavee said...


jesse {GoodGirlGoneGlad} said...

So So Excited for you guys!! Boys are so much fun!

Melissa Beck said...

I'm so very happy for you and I'm soooooo very happy you updated your blog!! I've been waiting for this post for a while!!!
You know I'm here for you through thick and thin and can't wait to experience every second of this with you.
Love ya lady!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, we all missed you here!

Unknown said...

I'm so excited for you! Hope you get your energy back! 2nd trimester is a breeze - can't wait to see what you dream up for the nursery!

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

Joi and David! congrats to you both! Oh, so happy for you all! :)

Camila said...

Congrats to both you and Dave! How exciting! Yay for little boys. My little guy is due at the end of December. I'm 33 weeks today and so exhausted!

Jen @ RamblingRenovators said...

Congratulations!! So very excited for you & Dave! Enjoy the journey till you meet your little guy. xo.

Michael said...

Jay and I are so excited for you and Dave. Cant wait for all the baby updates. Hang in there...your little guy will be here before you know it!

Kate said...

Congrats AGAIN. Glad you're back. And the second video is hilarious! "Dave...Dave...should I stop it?"

Kate said...

Congrats AGAIN. And the video is hilarious. "Dave....Dave....should I stop it?"

Karen said...

Congrats Joi and Dave,this is great news! I'm so excited for you. The first trimester can be rough, hope its smooth sailing from now on.

emily said...

Congratulations! How very exciting!

Emily V. said...

Congratulations! I'm so so so happy for you!!! : )

Lynsey T said...

Joi!!! I dont know how I missed this my oh my word I am so excited for you guys! Congrats x1000!!!!

Unknown said...

Yay congratulations!!! Glad you're feeling better and back to normal somewhat! Boys are super fun, more than I thought. So excited for you guys!

TLF said...

awww... congrats girlfriend!!

Freckles Chick said...

YAYYAYAYAYAY!!!! A sweet baby boy!! I can't stop awwwing over his darling profile. Look at those cheeks! You guys are so lucky & he's so lucky to join such a loving family.

I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling better. Amazing how such a little guy can do so much! 2nd trimester will treat you better, promise.

I've already told you but congratulations again, J & D!! Hope you enjoy this amazing time--it flies by. Happy & healthy next few months to you =]
Love you!!

P.S. The videos crack me up, ha!

Megandvd@Beauty in the Attempt said...

You and Dave will make AWESOME parents..stylish, hip, and smart. :) I am so glad you posted this. I have been checking your blog here and there to see this. I adore you my dear..and rest assured..those that love you will always be here when you blog AND when you update about baby. :)


PS Doesn't it feel like yesterday we were on the Knot? Hahaha.

J said...

Congrats!!! You and Dave will be wonderful parents. How exciting for your families!!! Good Luck throughout your parent hood journey!!!!

mbw said...

Ha I had suspicions as well! Congratulations to you both! I am 20 weeks along with my first due MArch 23rd - a baby boy as well!!! :)

Blanca A. said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! xx, AnaLisa

Mom of 2 Cuties @ Sprinkles of Joy and Laughter said...

Enjoy this very special time!! Glad it was happy news of your absence!! All the best to you,

###### said...

OMG...I was hoping this is what you were going to say. Time has really passed us all by..and you will be a mom soon. what a blessing. YAY!

niartist said...

Congrats Joi and Dave!!! Many many many good wishes sent your way!

Sara @ Russet Street Reno said...

Congrats! I can't wait to read more about your journey.

Caitlin @ Desert Domicile said...

OMG Congratulations Joi!!! I had my suspicions but didn't want to say anything haha I'm sooo happy for you guys and can't wait for future updates :)

Suzie said...

Congratulations, Joi, Joi! I was getting a little worried about you, so I'm very glad to hear such good news! :)

jonalynn said...

So happy for you both!!! That little dude is going to have the cutest nursery! You're going to be a fab momma!!!


turn up the rad blog
turn up the rad creative

Pineapples and Pickles said...

Congrats! Thrilled for you.

Carry Grace said...

Congratulations! I'm so excited for you. I had a feeling this might have been the reason for the blogging break.

Little boys are wonderful!

Erin - Dwell and Tell said...

Congratulations, Joi and Dave! What a blessing!

Lendy Salazar said...

Congratulations on your upcoming lil blessing! That's awesome! - Lendy

Lauren M. said...

Aww congratulations!! How exciting!

Myers Maison


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