Friday, March 25, 2011

Flea Market Finds

Last weekend D and I got up early {for me, at least} and we headed to the Belle Clair Flea Market. We got there close to start time and we braved the crowds. It was my first ever flea market experience and it was pretty much what I expected. There were people everywhere, a lot of junk, and some diamonds in the rough! It brought back many memories of the numerous craft fairs my mom, maw maw, and I attended in my younger years. I hated those things, but I loved the time with those ladies. Who would've thought years later I'd be right back at the place I hated most. Go figure!

I say it over and over, but David always goes with the flow and is my right hand man. He's the best and I'm so thankful to have a husband who's along for the ride!

Some of the advertising boasted that this event would have over 700 vendors and I believe it! There were booths inside all of the different rooms and in different places outside as well! I only snapped a couple of phone pics at first, so you know the drill, please excuse the quality.


I spotted many things that I would've like to make mine, such as these plates:


But in the end I came home with very little. I first spotted these little tea towels and silver ice bucket as soon as we walked up. For less than $10 I made both of them mine on the spot. Done and done!




My last score was this brass set of bathroom accessories, and while you may be thinking she's nuts, I had/have a plan. I really only wanted the trashcan to use as a planter but the lady insisted I take the whole shebang! I know I won't get use out of the others but maybe someone might like them in a summer garage sale?


On our way home, we made a few other pit stops and I would've loved to make this canister set and bamboo pair my own. Looking at the photos again, I'm thinking I may go back! I see that look you're giving me...I may have a slight {albeit innocent} addiction to fabulous finds.



What's a girl to do? ; )

Enjoy your weekends, friends. I'm r-e-a-d-y for my week off, yesiree!



Julie S. said...

Those tea towels are really fun! Good finds- can't wait to see where they all end up!

Sharstin said...

awesome finds! i think you do need to go grab those canisters! love em~ happy weekend:)

Hilary @ My So-Called Home said...

Great finds. I actually like the brass set and think it'd be lovely in the right setting. The planter idea is awesome can't wait to see that one. Enjoy your week off!

Anonymous said...

I've been to those "real" flea markets only a couple of times since they're not too common in the north but but boy, did I looove them! There's something so exciting about reviving someone else's treasures to make your own.

And if I were you, I would head right back to those bamboo chairs and canisters haha.

Happy Friday!

Unknown said...

Those chairs are incredible! Sounds like a fun day and your hubby sounds so wonderful:)

Rashon Carraway said...

The tea towels are the perfect touch!

Mr. Goodwill Hunting

Amy @ Shutterly Lovely said...

the flea market sounds a little overwhelming, but also exciting! I might have to check it out sometime!

and those bamboo chairs are awesome! you should definitely snag those!

Lisa @ Lisa Moves said...

Love the tea towels...what will you do with them? Frame them? Or use them as tea towels?

Pudel-design said...

I love your blog,
so colorful and so many pretty junk finds;)
Please visit mine,

I`m your new follower, it would be nice if you follow me back;)
Lovely greetings from Germany!

jonalynn said...

My heart just about stopped at first sight of the fabulous bamboo chairs! You MUST rescue them!

You could always sell the rest of the brass bathroom goodies in an Etsy store. Just saying. ;)

turn up the rad

Ches said...

I am super thrilled that you stopped by my little ole blog and commented on my tablecloth turned curtains. I hope to post the finished kitchen tomorrow. I have more of the "fabric" left and thought about making pillows for my couch but didnt want things to be too matchy matchy, what do you think?

Ches said...

Hey Joi,

I posted my tablecloth drapes and kitchen redo. Hope you stop by and check it out, I really think you will like the drapes.


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