Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sweet Dreams

Most people I love, like to joke around with me and give me a hard time about the rotation that the decor and furniture in our home undergo. My husband likes to refer to it as baseball. The furniture pieces all start out in the major leagues, then some work their way down to the minor leagues {AKA: the basement}, and then many find themselves unemployed and cut from the team completely {Hello Goodwill and Craigslist!}. Ouch.

It's a funny comparison and one that is just about right. Oh well, if you can't laugh at yourself once in awhile then you're missing out. : )

While A LOT of our furniture goes through that cycle I am proud to say our bedroom furniture has stayed constant since the moment {over 5 years ago} that we bought it.


And that's exactly the problem. EVERYTHING matches. As my tastes have evolved into a more eclectic and collected-over-time vibe, I have been feeling the itch for change. It's not that I have grown to dislike our set, but rather I merely want to mix it up. "Sets" are no longer for Miss. Joi.

At first my mind had envisioned some sort of mirrored night stands or silver leafed ones as well. But then, I saw this, that someone posted in the Look for Less section of Decor Pad and my heart skipped a beat.

What a great bed and at that price? Someone help me. I think I need it. It's a head turner and stunning. Just take a peak at the more expensive version in A & L's famous bedroom.


Lovely, right?

I thought so. Now I wait until my mind makes its decision. I think I know how this is going to end.



Anonymous said...

Where'd you get your comforter at? And where do you get your money at? :P

Tonia Lee Smith said...

I think that its ok that everything matches in your case. You have accessorized very well. I personally wouldn't change anything but, I know what it's like when you want to make a few changes. Whatever you decide I'm sure it wil be fabulous. BTY...I love those chevron pillows

Decor I Adore said...

Yes, yes, YES!!! I am IN LOVE with this bed, but cannot convince my husband we need a change.... I am hoping that if we ever move out we can "accidentaly" forget to move out our bed :). I also dislike sets :)

Ashley said...

um. i've been wanting that bed from crate and barrel for SO long, but couldn't imagine spending that kind of dough on a bed for the guest room, when the one in our room only cost $500. you might have just given me an excuse to spend some cash!

This Little Nest said...

Why don't you make a slip cover for your current bed's headboard? If you don't sew just take the measures and have a seamstress make it like a pillow case with the bottom end open. Then you can just slip it right on! Or get multiples made and change it our when you get bored with the look! Love your blog, by the way! :)

Anonymous said...

You are not alone! I also have design A.D.D. Maybe we should start a support group. I have this same pic saved in my inspiration file for the Ikea hack nightstands. Love the bed!

Aja said...

Ooooh, love that bed! I say do it! I feel you on the whole sets thing.. plus, you could always make some of the money back by selling your old bed on Craigslist!

Anonymous said...

I just went to visit one of my BF's and she had that exact bed! So adorable. She got it at Home Goods for the same price and didn't have to pay any shipping, so you might want to look there if you have one local. I am in the process of making a tufted headboard...though I might have just bought that bed if I had known they were so cheap - ha

Becky Holmes said...

I think Camilla over at High Heeled Foot in the Door made one with her hubby...maybe you can try making one for a fraction of the cost?!

Lindsay @ Hello Hue said...

Ooh, that would look awesome in your room. Make one, make one! I'm planning on [eventually] making an upholstered headboard for the guest room. Maybe I'll just wait to do it with you when you come out here. ;)

Sarah said...

Hi! New follower here. I love your bedroom as is, but hear you on the matchy-matchy thing. That bed would look great.

Leslie G said...

That upholstered headboard is awesome- but so is your master bedroom as is!

emily said...

I love that bed! I am partial to it . . . I have the one from C&B. But the one you linked to looks exactly like it! I think it would great in your space.

Sharstin said...

love the bed girly! and i am the same way with my furniture--change is always fun~

Joi said...

@Anonymous-The bedding's from Target! : )

Thanks, ladies for all of your comments! The bed is so dang tempting!

Kiley said...

Oh lord, I want that bed too! I have been eyeing the Collette bed too, but would in no way shape or form spend $1500 on a bed frame! So thanks for finding this knock off. Merry Christmas to me! ha ha!

Jennifer said...

The baseball comparison is hilarious! My husband claims that the things I don't like go in his office. It's partly true, though sometimes it's only bc I haven't figured out what to do with them yet!

It's painful to upgrade when you have something that is perfectly fine, but gosh that bed is pretty! And I agree that non-matching is the way to go.

Michael said...

I say go for it!!! Although I am a little Colette bed arrives on Saturday :)

Suzie said...


Oh, Joi, I love that bed. It's gonna look amazing with your blue gray walls! :)

Debra said...

So, did you get it?!! Was shipping costs bad? You know you have me drooling over it ; )


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