As always, feel free to send me an email to Nuestravidadulce@gmail.com and I'd be happy to search your craigslist for you. I've got a few cities still lined up {Indy, Atlanta, and Lexington}, I promise I will get to them! I am definitely a bargain shopper so big ticket items rarely catch my eye...let me know if you're searching for something specific and I'd be happy to oblige.
Happy hump day, folks.
ooohhh~ awwwww~ wow~ omg! lol im loving those chairs that vintage buffet and that side table. just a lil paint would fab those suckers up!
ps loved your diy pots
Gadzooks, these are fantastic finds (and prices). Is it just me or does it seem as though other hoods have waaaay better items and price tags. My craigslist sellers are not so thrifty.
Thanks for the post! We do have great CL finds here in Portland. ;)
i like these posts, it's fun to see what kind of cl finds there are in other cities.
i live in st. louis too by the way, i can't remember if i've commented on here before or not, but hi!
i actually just bought a dresser off of cl last week and turned it into a tv stand, thought i'd tell you about it since i remembered that you had done something similar. pictures are on my blog :-)
ohhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhh!!! me me me :hands up teacher:
how about Broward (county), florida!
I just love seeing what's on CL! I'd snatch that first buffet up in a heartbeat! Thanks for sharing.
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