And, even though I thought it'd be super cute to carve them together, I realized I am pretty particular about my designs, and on second thought, David sitting this one out wouldn't be that bad. Our cute couple carving time turned into Joi cranking out 5 pumpkins of her own with support from David in the other room. Hey, whatever works, right? : )
Because we waited so late, I didn't get the pick of the litter. And, our usual trip to the pumpkin patch was just not in the plans for this weekend. So, Dierberg's it was and I am pleased to report that I am kind of digging our choices.
I had saved two images of pumpkins that I had wanted to try and duplicate and/or use as inspiration. I saved the images awhile back and I only remember where the second image came from,

Here's our little slew of pumpkins sitting pretty on the front porch {pre-drilling and carving}.

Feliz martes.
To think I was congratulating myself for gluing some rick rack to my pumpkins! These look awesome!
Those look terrific.
Ok so I thought I was on top of things when I bought my pumpkins like 3 weeks ago. But they've been sitting on the porch since cute carvings, no fun rick rack, it's shameful. Yours, however, look awesome...and just like your inspo pics. This girl likes it.
Me encantan!!
thosed turned out cute!
im so blah...i never do these poor kids
Your pumpkin carvings turned out great! I'm carving tonight. Not sure if Chris (my husband) will be able to detach himself from the PS3 or Xbox (whatever is hot right now). If the game console wins him over tonight, at least I know there will be no objection about carving Sanrio characters. ^_^
Love it!
We drilled ours 2 weeks ago!
No pumpkin carving for me, ever! I would probably end up in the emergency room! Ugh! :)
Love the zig zag pattern on the white pumpkins, joi, joi!
very cute!
Your pumpkins look so good. Love the drilled ones.
We haven't carved yet. We may need to do that soon.
Very cute, Joi! And I see adorable, little Scout in the background. Miss you!
They look awesome!
Mrs Crafty Joi
those look so cute and very different then the usual carvings
your pictures look just like your inspiration pictures, you can't tell them apart! Wonderful job!! =)
You just one-upped Martha Stewart, my friend!! In your face, Martha! These are magnificent. Our gourds are sitting all by their lonesome on our front stoop, uncarved.
Then the other day I noticed that a couple of squirrels did the carving for us. =]
Love this. My sister is having a pumpkin carving party and you've definitely given me some ideas.
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