Much to our dismay, we woke up to 90% of our basement covered in water this morning. I was sleeping like a baby when David came in and said, "We've got water." Those three words suck to hear. Surprisingly, this is not the first time he's said those words, or that I've heard those words. This incident has occurred probably 5 or 6 times in the 4 years that we have lived here.
A couple of sewer back ups, a torrential rain downpour {with backed up gutters}, and who knows what else has caused us misery. At least this time, it was
clean water...thank you God. We know that our sewer line has tons of roots in it and we do our best at keeping up with killing them. Needless to say we've become pretty close to the Roto-Rooter man. : )
This time, however, we think that the city lines got clogged up somehow and pushed the water back into our little basement. So, David's dad was a dear and brought up two heavy duty shop vacs, lots of fans, and then he and David got to work.

Before that, David and I got rid of lots of water logged things and moved everything to the one little side of the basement that was dry. It looks like a tornado hit. : (

Niko isn't scared of the loud vacs and tries to monitor everything David and Dan do, it really is too cute.

I had plans to make it out to Forest Park to play with my camera and stop by my favorite Home Goods Store, but home ownership reared its ugly head and put a kink in my plans!! Boo.
Oh, the joys that come with adulthood...
Awww! So sorry Joi! What a way to wake up!!!
That stinks. Sounds like you guys are pros at flood clean up. Hope this is the last time you have to pull out the trusty shop vac!
Ughh...what a bummer! Looks like Niko is the little supervisor :o)
Sorry this had to happen to you guys again! I think it's time you moved into my subdivision so we could be neighbors.....
just be careful of mold now with all the wetness think you need to put in a pump somewhere in that basement should have had one to begin with. good luck hopefully rain has moved out.
So sorry that happened to you. We had that happen to us last Aug. we had a small tornado come through our city, and I've never seen it rain so hard, it was scary, we got water in the basement, thank god we haven't done the basement yet, it dried up pretty quick on the cement floor. I hope everything is ok, and nothing got damaged.
Oh! Not fun! Your dog is adorable. We have a yorkie, but he's mean.
What a bummer to have to wake up to that, especially on a weekend! Oh the joys of being a homeowner.
Oh no! At least it had a happy ending! LOL @ Niko! I loves me some Niko!
This is one problem I"ve never had. So I"m sorry you have had so much problems here.
You will make it just keep going.
isn't there a way to help stop this stuff.
Oh Joi! That royally sucks =[ Hope all is cleaned up and taken care of now...this used to happen all the time in the house I grew up in, so I hear ya!
Niko needs to teach Hiro not to be scared of vacs. I have to let Hiro hide out in a closet everytime I vac.
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