Meet Emily and Tim, my sister-in-law and brother-in-law to be! : )

Fun story ahead, folks---and no...the pregnancy did not lead to the engagement ; )! A little more than a week ago my sister-in-law's boyfriend contacted me and David. He had the engagement ring and was set to propose to my sweet sister-in-law, Emily. He wanted our help in coming up with a plan to totally surprise Emily! Well, along with Em's best friends, Debra and Lynn, and the help of David and me, and of course Tim...we concocted the perfect little plan. Em is a sneaky one and knew of the ring--so the story, and plan, had to be a clever one to catch her off guard.
We decided to take the attention off of her, and pull a fast one, and came up with a plan to tell Em that David and I were pregnant and that we wanted her to arrange a dinner for us to surprise Dan and Carol {my in-laws}. We made sure Em would set this dinner up as a 'welcome home' dinner for Tim. You see, Tim is in the Marines and he was setting all of this up via text messaging from California! He was only going to be in town for a little while before he heads overseas, so we all had to act fast!
With the best laid out plans and pregnancy story, David called Em and she bought it! She was so excited to be an aunt...but had no idea she would actually be proposed to at the same dinner she was planning!
Fast forward to today, we all met for dinner at Maggiano's and David acts like he has to make an announcement!

He tells his parents that I'm pregnant and they react perfectly! Carol puts on her best surprised face and gets up to give me a hug and Dan just looks stunned!

Then the plan gets put into action for get the ring to Tim {which Tim had already passed off to David as part of the plan the previous day}, David says we have ultrasound pics and that everyone should look at them. To Emily's surprise, no such pictures exist! Instead, inside the envelope, is one pretty engagement ring! Once Tim gets the envelope the rest is history...and oh yeah...she said yes!

From here on out I'll let the pictures do the talking! : )

Her bling!

The newly engaged couple along with the happy parents {and Tim's in laws}!

Of course, Em had to contact all of her besties...and update facebook! Necessities, I tell you!

And with the help of a little dessert, this night would be complete! Gotta love David and his fancy vanilla ice cream topped with Hershey's syrup!

Thanks, Maggiano's, for a fabulous atmosphere and setting. This night will be unforgettable for all of us...

but most especially for these two, the cutest
newly engaged couple around! ♥
I love, love, love all the wonderful pictures! I can't believe Em's mom was so good act acting surprised. You guys did such a good job with the "secret" plan!!! I am so happy for Tim & Emily. Good job on not losing the ring too : )
Joi, you are the best!!! Thank you sooo much to you and David for helping make this happen. You are the best! I am still in shock! Thank you for taking these pictures. Love you!!! Can't wait to start planning the wedding. :)
Ah! Love the story! And you guys did so good with the acting!! :) I'm so happy for them!
What a great plan! How fun. Love the pictures!
That is awesome! Congrats to Emily and Tim! And good job of being so sneaky Miss Joi!
Yeah! I am so excited for both of them! They were so happy and in love during their pictures earlier in the day. Great, great post. I just balled at work!! Love you Emily!!!
Eee! Congrats to them! They're adorable.
And hello, give me a heart attack, J! I was skimming, and all I saw was "pregnancy announcement". OMG! =] Glad you're still on "our side".
LOVE Dave's expression in the chocolate syrup & ice cream shot.
I thought you were pregnant too! Congrats to the happy couple, and that was such a cute story.
how sweet!
and yummy dinner!
What a great engagement story!
Awww! Such a sweet couple and a terrific engagement!
Such a cool how everybody was in on it. Congrats to Emily and Tim!
Awww how special to read that with it being my anni today...well its over in 2 mins.
That is such a sweet story! What a great day for them! And to have pics!
What an awesome story!
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