Monday, January 19, 2009

Living Room Re-do

Our house is a constant evolution. I like to change minor things here and there to make spaces fresh and new. I love doing it, but was sort of stumped with my living room. I previously had tried to rearrange furniture before, but something wasn't right.

Here's what the layout looked like two nights ago:

I chatted with my Decor Pad peeps and they helped come up with some suggestions to make the space cozier. I took their advice, along that of my family, and changed some things up a bit. The room looks much better now, and is on its way up!

Even though the new set-up was 100x better, David and I had been contemplating getting rid of the armoire that holds the TV for quite sometime now. It made its trip from my apartment to our home and has always been too small for the space.

I started perusing the internet for a new TV stand and as luck would have it found the perfect one on craigslist! It was a vintage dresser that the lady was selling for $70! It had nice modern clean lines, was not too tall nor too short, and most of all it had character. I was so excited to find it and was lucky that she had not found a buyer yet! Additionally, it was a true blessing because everything I had liked on other sites were close to $600! So needless to say, those were not going to be mine.

So on Sunday, David and I picked it up in Missouri and brought it back home. I have THE sweetest husband ever and he stayed up until midnight to take apart the old TV armoire, set up the new stand and drill holes for all of the wires!

The only thing I needed to do was buy stain to make the now exposed wood {where the middle set of drawers used to be} match the other wood.

This whole process took less than an hour and less than $25! All I did was paint the conditioner and stain on, and then rub it off. Super easy! : )

Now all we need is a sweet flat screen TV ; )!


Anonymous said...

Wow! I really like the changes and the new TV stand is very cool! I love repurposing old furniture and this is such a good idea- great job!

SAB said...

This is awesome! You did such a great job changing things around, and I love how you brought the beauty of the old dresser!

leah @maritalbless said...

Oh my goodness girl, you're really starting to make me feel worthless! You find the greatest things and do the neatest things with them!

###### said...

Joi I didnt know that was you over in Decorpad...I am brick78 over there. Well now I what you did. I have that same tree girl! I love it. everyone thinks it is soooo real. I looked high and low for it for months and got about 3 years ago at tj maxx..

Anonymous said...

great trasformation and brilliant idea of removing the middle set of drawers...why hadn't i thought of that?? i have my eyes out for a vintage danish credenza to use as an entertainment centre...but if that doesn't pan out this is a great idea!

Jen said...

The cabinet is perfect and I LOVE the new layout of your room!

Teresa Meyer said...

What a fabulous transformation! The whole room looks so polished and pulled together now - love it!

Suzie said...

Absolutely fantastic! Such an amazing find! I heart this room so much!

layersofmeaning said...

love it!!! the new layout + TV armoire look great!

Anonymous said...

It looks great, Joi! I love it!

Julie S. said...

Gorgeous! You are incredibly innovative!

Joi said...

Thanks everyone! I love it, too.

Your comments always make me smile!

Michael said...

Totally the TV cabinet. When we switch out our big screen for the flat panel, I'm looking at dressers now...that looks killer!

Freckles Chick said...

I'm coveting that repurposed dresser. It looks so divinely vintage w/ all the detailing.

Love, love, love what you've done w/ the space, Joi! What else is new, right? =)

J said...

You sure you want to be a principal??? Why not a decorator??? Looks great Joi!!!!!

Stephany said...

wa wa we wa! that looks great! you have skills =)

Anonymous said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

looks great! hope you get your flat screen :)

Rose said...


What a great find! Totally Jealous!!

Anonymous said...

Love the new layout and I really like the tv stand. Great steal....

Oona Johnson said...

I just found your blog today and have been perusing your posts. I absolutely love this idea! It's brilliant. Really. I hope you are enjoying Spain!


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