I am so happy that people care enough to read little snippets about our daily life. We're not rich or famous, nor even that creative, but thanks for being devoted readers and always coming back for more! Now, I have to list 6 things that I am thankful for and 6 blogs worthy of the award.
6 things I'm thankful for {in no particular order}:
1. My family. They are my rock. I am devoted to them and would not be where I am today without them. My mom is my best friend, and my grandparents are my role models. I appreciate, beyond any words, everything they have ever done for me. We, for a long time, were the little foursome, but have come to graciously embrace my step-dad and my husband into the mix.
2. My little family David and I have created. Having a home, the sweetest dog, and a loving marriage is about all I ever wanted in life. I am the luckiest girl to be married to such an awesome and funny guy. David puts up with me at my most unbearable moments and is my support through the good and bad life throws at us. Each day we get stronger and stronger and our team that we've built is unbeatable. I may be the ying to his yang, but that's what makes us such the strong pair!
3. Maw Maw's ability to beat this cancer! Almost a year ago, Maw Maw was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. After 6 rounds of chemotherapy and two months of daily radiation treatments, I am happy to report that tomorrow is her last radiation treatment and she is a survivor! I was devastated when I found out she had cancer, but I am so grateful she has fought it with all of her might and is still the glowing and sweetest woman I know. I love you, Maw Maw!
4. My friends. You know, I may not have many, and I've come to terms with that. I've lost many friendships over the years and have lost a best friend to a terrible death. But, I have also made the strongest relationships to last me a lifetime. I adore my true friends who support and love me day after day. You all know who you are. I love you. ♥
5. My opportunity to interact with young people as my job. I always knew I wanted to work in education. It's so refreshing to see the positive in adolescents and make connections with them on a daily basis. I hope I have in some way inspired my students to be better people and make a difference in the world around them.
6. My internet. Silly I know, but I can't be too mushy, now can I? I love to shop, read blogs, find inspiration, and make friendships by means of this thing that I think I could never live without! Pathetic? Maybe. Honest? Absolutely.
Blogs I'm passing this award to!:
1. Freckles Chick-I adore this girl. She's laugh-out-loud funny, fashionably timeless, kind-hearted and an all around genuinely sincere person. One day I'd really love to meet me some FC! And yes, I can tell all of this through the internet ;- ) !
2. Brown at Heart-This girl has become one of my most treasured friends in the past couple of years. Saying she's a "best friend" doesn't begin to cover the way I feel about her. She means the world to me and I couldn't imagine my life without her. Thanks, Melissa! ♥
3. Captain Obvious- Michael is funny and his posts are hilarious. He's our lone man on DP but he sure does hold his own. He's always been so thoughtful and sweet!
4. Back to the Basics- Julie's shopping finds and house stories keep me coming back time after time. She's a sweet friend of a friend, and I'm glad she let's me in on her life!
5. Marital Bless- Leah's as honest as they come and just as cute. She pours her heart out to strangers, and that's what makes her and her blog so endearing.
6. Just the Three of Us-Libbi and her family are too cute. She has the sweetest little dog {2nd to Niko of course, ;-) } and is a girly-girl just like me. We have so much in common and it's a shame that we don't live closer!
I love you too♥!! And you already know you're one of my most treasured friends. Sad to say, but you and the internet would be two of my most favorite things to be thankful about too....
Awww, you are too sweet! Thanks for the shout out! :) I think you are more "kreative" than you think, and I love being inspired by your blog!
I just found your blog and I am loving it!
Awww, I love me some Joi! You're so sweet I teared up a bit reading your comments! And you know what, chica? I can say those exact words you wrote about me right back at you, x 10. I truly mean it. We really need to meet up IRL!!
Rock on...thank you so much, Joi!!!! I'm so excited to get this.
AND YOUR AUNTIE LINDA JUST luvs to read your blogs....it either makes me feel so good..so happy and so proud of my great neicy...YOU ARE THE BESTEST...I wish my grand daugher you could tutor on SOMETHING TO HELP HER OUT WITH...SHE IS A PRETTY GIRL..NOT A BAD GIRL...BUT NEEDS UPLIFTING AND GET UP AND GO PUT INTO HER LIFE..I DON'T think I"d saying this quiet right...! BUT if someone could teach her I'M SURE THAT SOMEONE WOULD BE YOU!!!
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