Yesterday was a lot of fun. Dave and I spent it painting and then we went to GC and ate some tasty food with my mom and Tom and then visited Maw Maw and Paw Paw. Maw Maw was feeling a little too weak and fatigued to leave her home, but she was pretty happy to be watching the Cards/Cubs baseball game. Later that night we walked over to the park and watched GC's fireworks, which always impress me! Here are some obligatory shots of the show:
Mom and Tom

Me and David


The finale!
When we got back to Mom and Tom's we waited awhile for the traffic to die down and caught their dog being a cutie! He was all tired out--he is such a sweet baby!

looked like a enjoyable time, did not go this year to see fire works last year veronica and I went on the 7th since they were all rained out on the 4th to Murphysboro and they had a good show.
glad you had a good fourth.
What a cutie!
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