And I have the best! Tonight I've been having a lazy night with my pup since Dave's gone chaperoning his fieldtrip. I got to catch up with two of my very best friends on the phone, Sarah and Anna, for over an hour to both of them. I miss them so much and every single day I wish we lived closer. It's so strange, you go from seeing each other daily/weekly to hardly any at all because of distance, and as you all know, that's a pretty tough adjustment. Sarah's been my best friend for over 10 years and Anna has been my best friend for 7 years. I treasure both of them more than they will ever know and am so happy they are in my life! Having an hour chat is so simple but so important! I ♥ you, girls! Thanks for always being there for me; I miss you both!
Me and Sarah

Anna and Me (an oldie--we need more pics, Anna girl)
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